Mental Health Warriors

How to Cope With Stress

If you are looking for creative coping strategies to combat stress, please check out the tools on this website. This website provides a general overview of what stress is, and also offers several unique stress management techniques to combat different types of stress.

What is stress?

Stress is your body’s response to anything that requires action or attention. Stress is a natural part of life. Everyone experiences some degree of stress. Stress may be positive (eustress) or negative (distress). We all need a little stress in our lives to motivate us to get things accomplished. However, the way someone responds to stress makes a big difference on overall well-being.

What causes stress?

If we become overloaded or feel overwhelmed by stress, we may have a hard time coping with the demands around us. When this happens, we may begin to suffer emotionally, physically, and mentally. This is called psychological distress (distress). Psychological distress can shows up in variety of ways, some of which include anxiety, dissociation, depression, and sleep disturbance, etc.


High levels of psychological distress can result in a multitude of negative mental, physical, and emotional health outcomes. Some of which may include poor school / work performance, relational issues, cardiovascular diseases, etc. It is important to find appropriate ways to cope with stress to mitigate the negative consequences.

Common types of psychological distress include anxiety, depression, dissociation, and sleep disturbances. Click the buttons below to access additional information and resources on effective coping strategies.

Three anxious emojis
three depressed emojis
Three emojis dissociating
Three emojis struggling with sleep disturbance
The suggested techniques provided on this website are not exhaustive, but rather a small sample of helpful tools. Always remember that when in doubt reach out to a mental health professional . For additional supports and resources visit the NAMI Southwest Ohio or NAMI Northern Kentucky website.
If immediate assistance is needed, call 988 (Suicide and Crisis Lifeline).
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Developed resources in this website are supported by the Network of the National Library of Medicine (NNLM), National Institutes of Health (NIH) under cooperative agreement number: UG4LM013724 and Northern Kentucky University (NKU) Institute of Health Innovation (IHI).