The Mental Health Warriors Virtual Health Literacy Tools website was created to improve public health outcomes for those experiencing specific types of distress. The website was created to serve as a resource to help individuals make informed decisions about their mental/emotional health. The website provides access to health information and tools that may promote emotional well-being among students and community members alike.
In Spring 2022, a study was completed at a mid-western regionally accredited university to examine the various types of stressors experienced by students. Study results indicated that the top four types of psychological distress experienced by students were (1) Sleep Disturbance, (2) Dissociation, (3) Anxiety and (4) Depression. In an effort to help students, as well as the surrounding community, better cope with distress, the aforementioned virtual health literacy tools were created. Moreover, each webpage addressing distress has a post-session assessment about the quality and usefulness of the tools. Please take time to provide feedback by completing the assessment(s) so we can make future improvements.
The content is the sole responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health or Northern Kentucky University Institute of Health Innovation.
The suggested techniques provided on this website are not exhaustive, but rather a small sample of helpful tools. Always remember that when in doubt reach out to a mental health professional . For additional supports and resources visit the NAMI Southwest Ohio or NAMI Northern Kentucky website.
If immediate assistance is needed, call 988 (Suicide and Crisis Lifeline). 

For additional information or questions about the Virtual Health Literacy Tools: How to Cope with Stress website please feel free to contact Dr. Rebecca Elkins and Dr. Rhyanne McDade at elkinsr3@nku and mcdader2@nku.
Special thanks to Toree Overpeck for website design.

Developed resources in this website are supported by the Network of the National Library of Medicine (NNLM), National Institutes of Health (NIH) under cooperative agreement number: UG4LM013724 and Northern Kentucky University (NKU) Institute of Health Innovation (IHI).